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Healthy Foods 101

Today I want to talk about how to choose healthy foods at the grocery store. Shopping at the grocery store for healthy foods can rack up the grocery bill quickly. But here is the truth about lowering your bill when dieting. When you go to the grocery store only buy the healthy foods when you start buying candy bars, ice cream, freezer processed foods, and chips that's what makes it all expensive.. Now me and my husband are on a very strict budget. Yet I still am able to afforded all of my meal prep foods. I actually go shopping for fresh chicken & veggies once a week and twice week I go shopping for anything else we are low on. This has actually saved us a lot of money, because then I am not going to the grocery store randomly to buy things when we run out.

Foods to focus on:


I buy colorful veggies... Why? Because I prep all my meals and I want them to look and taste good, I think veggies are a great way to spice up your meals!

- red, green, yellow peppers

- avocado (not really a veggie but I love it)

- I actually buy a large bag of frozen stir fry mix (not the one with the flavoring) because I love stir fry

- to be honest I am not a huge vegetable person, but I do throw veggies in with my food to make them taste good

Protein: (animal protein)

This is the one thing I always eat with every meal, It is essential for supporting growth and tissue maintenance. protein isn't just needed for body builders and athletes. Protein is essential for tissue regeneration even for every day activity. So eat up! The recommended protien intake is anywhere from 1.4-2.0g x your wieght depending on your acitivity!

-Eggs- 1 egg a day is plenty then throw in some egg whites in there! Delicous!

- Chicken this is the one thing that I DO but range free I can tell a huge difference when I dont but range free chicken

- Lean ground turkey- 93% or greater is preferred

- Fish- tilapia, tuna, flounder, salmon ( salmon has amazing omega's in it aim for 2-3 servings of fish a week)

- Lean Steak & or lean beef- 96 % lean.. this is high in iron ever notice your getting a little lathergic or tired maybe your iron levels are low try adding in 4 oz of lean red 4 times a week & see what happends!

- Whey protien its so hard to find a qulity protien out there but always be mindful of ingredents! I love Prozein from nutrishop or UMP from Beverly International

- Cottage cheese (1-0%) this is way better than greek yogart not to mention the price is better to this had twice the serving of protien than a greek yogart would!


We need carbs! How else would we be able to function?! But its important to eat the right source of carbs! These serve as an energy source (monosaccharide, disaccharides, polysaccharides) The institute of medicine actually recommends you consume 45% carbohydrate on a daily diet


- Whole grain/ whole wheat foods (don't buy the white bread, white rice, whites anything.. That stuff literally has been stripped of all its nutrients and once it hits your blood stream your body your body has no use for it, its a pointless carb) white breads and processed foods are the type of carbs that spike your insulin and result in diabetes.

- brown long grain rice

- oatmeal (when baking I grind up my oatmeal to a flour and bake with that)

- sweet potato

- ezekial bread

Lipids (fats)

Fats are always going to be higher in calories because for every gram they are 9 calories. But fat actually serves as an carrier for essential vitamins and supplies essential fatty acids, limoleic acid & linolenic acid these help with proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system.

stick to unsaturated fats

-these fats are proven to actually lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and maintain HDL fats (are good cholesterol)

polyunsaturated & monounsaturated

---stay away from saturated fats which actually increase LDL levels in the body (which lead to high cholesterol)


- olive oil

- coconut oil


- almonds

- all natural peanut butter

-omega 3 fatty acid EFA's (found in salmon but can also buy supplements)

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