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Staying on Track while traveling

staying on track with your diet while traveling

This can be very difficult during periods of travel and when you go on vacation with your family, spouse, friends, etc. those who have been on a diet know and understand how hard it is to stay on track when you are out of your normal routine and let's be honest it's hard to diet while you’re trying to enjoy yourself and relax. Don't stress though it can be simple and easy to stay on track , and Here are some tips to help while you travel!

- BE MINDFUL- be mindful of what you are eating, it helps to track your food by using applications such as myfitnesspal, by doing so you keep your self accountable and can maintain some consistency. don't avoid eating & and Enjoying yourself while you’re out with friends or family because you’re on a "diet" just be smart about what you are eating, be moderate and try to stick to chicken, fruits, veggies, etc. If you are planning to go out to eat take a few minutes and do some simple RESEARCH on places before you eat there. by being mindful you will maintain your awareness and still be able to enjoy yourself.

- DRINK WATER- this is so important! Especially when on vacation & traveling and you’re not eating your typical diet. This will help your body rid of toxins & help with bloating! I aim to drink more water than I usually do while on vacation or traveling. I normally drink around a gallon daily, so during travel I up my water intake to about 1-1/2 gallons!

- EAT VEGGIES- this will also help you avoid being bloated or feeling sick from all the extra food you may eat or from food that you don't usually eat. This is also a great snack food, while everyone else is eating chips you can grab some carrots, celery or brocolli to snack on!

BE PREPARED- I have found the best way to travel & stay on track (and save money) is to pack some Non-perishable food items beforehand & if you have the chance to stop at grocery store at your destination for some fresher foods that are microwavable do it! If you have access to a kitchen even better, but in most cases that is not this is not possible.

Non-Perishable food items that are super easy to pack for example:

beef jerky, tuna packs, protein bars, granola bars, oatmeal packets,protein powder, dried fruit, crystal light packets, power aid packets, snap peas, apples, oranges, carrots, granola, almonds, trail mix, plastic forks & spoons

Foods that you by that can be cooked by microwave if you have the option:

-sweet potatoes (yes you can cook in microwave, poke holes top & bottom cook 4 minute on one side & then 4 on the other side)

- Tyson pre-cooked chicken breast/ or tenderloins ( these are easy & pre-cooked you only have to microwave for 3-5 minutes)

- Frozen veggies or fresh

Fast food options while driving or going out? Here are some healthier options:

- chick fil a: chicken breast sandwich: no fries, no sauce :)

- McDonald’s: grilled chicken wrap: no sauce

- In & out- protein style burger: no sauce no cheese

* pretty much now days any fast food restaurant will have a few options that are somewhat healthy, so be mindful and look up before you arrive to be sure

- BE ACTIVE- No matter what trip you are taking you should be able to be somewhat active, whether it be doing a quick 20 minute exercise routine in your hotel room, running on the beach, or finding a gym and working out, these are just a few of ideas and there are so many more so be creative. Exercise will always help you stay on track!

ENJOY YOURSELF- Dont be so obsessed, Enjoy your time and don't forget to have fun with your friends and family. Try to eat as clean/healthy as you can! Moderatation is KEy! you will find that the less you stress and the more prepared you are the more fun your travels will be.

I hope this is helpful to all those who are trying to be healthy & stay healthy while traveling! Comment below if you find this helpful or if there are other topics you would like to hear about!

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