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So as you all know my husband & I have opened up a supplement store in Utah County called @nutrishoporem and I have been getting alot of messages about what to take suppliment wise so lets go over some basics:


this is one of the most important things to take, because most people do not get enough protein. Most proteins like the ones we carry at NUTRISHOP have an amino acid profile which will help in recovery!

what to look for in a protein:

- low fat, lower carb & a good amount of protein

- amino acids profile

- a good blend lread below

a. Casein- this a slower digesting protein & will keep you fuller longer

b. Hydrolyzed whey- this is a quicker digesting protein

** I usually try to look for a protein with both of these because together they are a perfect blend. If you have a sensitive stomach though I would recommend the hydrolyzed

when to take it:

- best time to take protein in whenever you cannot get whole food in. I usually drink mine right before the gym & right after because that is when I am always in a hurry & i need something to go through my system a little quicker or sometimes I will drink it at night before bed

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF AMINO ACID PROFILE TO LOOK FOR ON A PROTEIN this particular protein also has 7 sources of protein & they have listen the amino acid profile below

NEXT ON THE LIST IS a BCAA ( branch chain amino acid)

what is it? well let me explaiN

This amino acid group accounts for 35% of essential amino acids in protein & 40% from a healthy diet. They are there for muscle protein synthesis & to support the muscle repair process.


- it helps stabilize blood sugar levels (aka hunger drops, fatigue etc)

- helps you recover from your workouts quicker during & after

- helps with muscle soreness

- overall its a great supplement to curve a sweet tooth or a craving

when to take it?

- i usually take 1 scoop during my workout & then again after my workout then during the day if my blood sugar drops & I feel super tired I will drink some to help if I am not able to eat for a little while.

Overall these are the two most important supplements to take to help with any sports or health nutrition.

Basic Supplements to take to better your health:

- multivitamin ( with a good amount of vit c,a then a good amount of iron but not too much)

- digestive enzymes- this aids in breaking down carbs, fats & proteins in your especially if you eat a large meal

- EFA's- these are your omega 3,6 & 9 fish fatty acids that assist in many body functions

- B12- this vitamin will help boost your energy, along with many other great benefits

I could go over different types of supplements for different goals all day everyone is different & everyone needs different types of supplements depending on your goals.

I do offer supplement list to clients along side meal plans & exercise programs. But if you are just interested in finding out what supplement you need if you are close to a nutrishop go ask them with the certified staff they do have expertise to give information on that or I do offer supplement lists as well for a service just go to my service page or you can send me a message through contact me.

the list could go on & on but these are some of the basics that I take!

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