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Why you should be doing more resistance training!

To start out I want to talk about how important resistance training is: this includes weight training, & band training, TRX training, etc.

This applies women, men and especially elderly folks!

At minimum you need to be doing resistance training 2x a week ( this is to see very slow results) but for my clients I recommend no less than 3x a week of weight training.


- When we use resistance training not only does it strengthen our muscles, it increases the density of our bones. Now for you who struggle from arthritis this is found to aid in this.

- Resistance training also increases the strength of connective tissue & tendons- this will lead to decrease injury risk.

-- Increases balance & coordination- This is so important especially with elderly people! As we get older we start to loose this coordination & balance but weight training can aid in this! But also for those who are naturally uncoordinated or lack a good amount of balance weight training will aid in this as well!

- Increase muscle mass!

Now I know most women look at this & think.... um NO! I don't want big muscles, and I don't want to be thick and big like a body builder. Well let me tell you a secret... It takes years & years to get to that point, correct supplementation, dieting, weight training non stop consistently throughout the years and more! So no you wont blow up if you start weight training! Women do not have large amounts of testosterone so naturally we do not put on muscle mass quickly like men do instead we become toned & become more curvy! ( I mean who doesn't like having a booty & abs!?)

What happens when we increase our muscle mass?

Many things happen when we do this!

-Increases your metabolism! YES weight training increases your metabolism! When we increase muscle size we burn more calories & thus we can eat more food!

- Makes you strong! Whether you are a female or a male this is such a positive thing guys! Being strong & feeling strong is so empowering! I know that this is how we are supposed to feel... STRONG!

- Makes you shapely! This applies to men & women!

Let me hit on women real fast though: like I mentioned above women who lift weights do NOT become bulky but instead they become slim, trim & toned. They become curvy & even more beautiful! Weight training helps fill out the glutes ( aka butt) decreases abdominal fat & makes the legs and arms more toned!

Now men! Of course who doesn't want to have a athletic body type! You guys are so lucky because you can lift weights at the minimum of 3x a week and start to see great results! Weight training for men decreases body fat, increases muscle mass & decreases abdominal fat!

WOMEN: when we weight train yes, we can go in and hit bi's, tri's and chest 3x a week... BUT... why? I am not saying neglect these areas but focus on things you want to grow or improve on while finding balance with other muscle groups. For example I do not think I have ever worked with a female client who has not said she wants to improve on her butt... So as you see in the video below this is great exercise for butt with resistance training ( stepping up on the bench & placing weight behind my back)


When you weight train its great to do split body weight training! Hit those weights lift heavy, but don't forget to do some body weigh training such as push ups & pull ups!

All in all weight training is a great way to improve overall health! If you are feeling discouraged about your current training protocol or you are unsure of where to start please contact me! I have very affordable training services & I will help you reach your goals!

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